Polar Capacity invests in, and manages, local power balance for industries, municipalities, and local energy utilities

Together with local partners, we compensate for imbalances within the energy system by offering solutions that add and manage capacity on a local level. For public and private stakeholders, this means not having to wait for the slow expansion of regional and national grids or the completion of large-scale energy projects across the country. We offer Capacity-as-a-service, allowing our customers to buy capacity when needed.

By adding capacity locally, we increase the security of supply within a particular area. At the same time, it reduces the need for expensive investments in distribution and transmission grids on a national and regional level. When our society becomes electrified, and we can add capacity on a local level, the sector coupling sought after can be realized efficiently.

We are technology agnostic and will always invest in the solution that is right for a specific purpose – whether the need lies in balancing power, storing it, or adding more. When more power is needed, it is generated through gas engines/turbines powered by local and circular renewable biogas. We always work in partnership with our customers, whether they be industries, municipalities, or local energy companies.

Power challenges

New solutions are needed when companies and communities are prevented from growing due to a lack of power availability.

Polar Capacity and Mälarenergi announces cooperation

November 27, 2023 On Monday, the collaboration between Polar Capacity and Mälarenergi was announced with the aim of jointly investigating the condi…

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One of Sweden’s largest battery parks is now in place in Haninge

October 10, 2023 All eight batteries are now in place at Stockholm Exergi and Polar Capacity’s battery park in Haninge. The park is one of Sweden’s…

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Polar Capacity in Almedalen 2023

“On Wednesday, June 28th at 4:00 PM, Polar Capacity is hosting a seminar in Almedalen. We will be exploring whether the new energy landscape makes it…

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Our three core areas

Balancing power

By managing imbalances within the local distribution grids, we enable the expansion and connection of new customers – without interfering with either the regional or the national grid.

Power storage

By supplying energy storage solutions, we help our customers optimize their power output and energy consumption.

Adding power

By adding power locally, we can manage capacity shortages that cannot be solved by balancing or storing energy. We work with different partners to deliver gas engines and turbines that fit the specific needs of our customers.

We want to help secure Sweden’s position as a prominent industrial nation for generations to come

The electrification of the transportation sector and industrial processes will lead to a higher demand for electrical power. At the same time, a rising percentage of solar and wind energy causes greater volatility – and less predictability – in power production. This volatility is already causing challenges across the country, where companies and entire communities are forced to pause or stop expansion plans due to capacity shortages.

By adding capacity and increasing the energy supply locally, we can help ensure Sweden’s position as a prominent industrial nation. As a national partner to several municipal energy companies, we are also creating a robust foundation for a new market design – one that takes local needs into greater consideration.

”When companies – and entire communities – are forced to put expansion plans on hold due to power shortages, that’s when we know we need new solutions.”

”Our solution puts municipalities in the driver’s seat rather than having to adapt to the plans and decisions of national and international stakeholders.”

An energy system in change – what can we as a society do to facilitate the green transition?

No one has escaped the significant turbulence in the energy market in recent years. We live in a period of technological transition, but what defines the world we are leaving behind, and what does the world of tomorrow look like? Above all, what can we as a society do to facilitate the transition without making the change more expensive or more complicated than necessary? Listen to Fredrik Karlsson, Head of Strategy & Public Affairs at Polar Capacity (please note this clip is in Swedish) :

The Polar Capacity team

Polar Capacity is founded by a team with extensive experience from Swedish and international energy companies and markets. Today, the team has several decades of combined knowledge in business development, strategy, executive roles, and board work.


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